Czech Republic
The Czech Glass artist Václav Řezáč builds a relationship in his works between precision and chance — proving that discipline does not negate serendipity, and this in itself can be a way to tune in to the world around us.
Uniting two distinct techniques, his works combine the vitality of hot glass with the cool precision of cast glass into a mold. For Řezáč, glass is a material of both chance mutations and precisely calculated processes; both hot and cold; both molten and solid. His works oscillate between fluid and fixed states, trying to make tangible what would otherwise remain immaterial. In addition to the fine art creation from glass, Řezáč has been active in designing drinking glass, which is made in local glass firms.
Nowadays, Václav Řezáč works on a project, the objective of which is to interconnect the world of the seeing with the world of the blind with the use of a drinking glass that is used by all of us every day. As a décor of the glasses, Václav Řezáč uses the Braille script for the blind.
Václav Řezáč graduated in 1995 at The High School of Applied Arts for Glassmaking, Hot shop in Železný Brod, Czech Republic and in 2001 at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague under professor Vladimír Kopecký.
Before he started teaching about glass in 2016 in Japan at the Toyama Institute of Glass Art and later since 2019 at the Studio of glass and jewellery in the Department of Design at theTechnical University of Liberec in Czech Republic, he was the General Manager at Studio Lhotsky in Czech Republic.
Václav Řezáč´s works have been exhibited throughout Europe as well as in the United States of America and Japan.